One on One

Whether you are looking to rapidly improve your ability to de-escalate tense encounters, or are seeking to help an employee archive better outcomes, you may want to consider one on one training with one of our Verbal Judo Associates. This course is designed to create a more approachable learning environment for those who are ready to take the next step in fine tuning their communication skills. We will work with you to create training sessions which address your specific needs and guide you through our de-escalation program. One of the key benefits of this approach is the focus on role playing scenarios. After equipping you with de-escalation strategies, your instructor will guide you through multiple role playing scenarios. This instant customized feedback is not available during group workshops.
One on one training is provided in two hour segments via an online webinar for your convenience. We offer individual one on one training sessions with a minimum of two hours. The cost per two-hour segment is $1,000.00. If you choose to attend four segments, the cost per two-hour segment will decrease to $875.00. If pursuing this option strengthens your ability to communicate with others and eliminates just one negative high profile incident, it is more than worth the time and money.
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