Our Instructors

Alex Bromley has been a law enforcement officer for the past eight years. He has a Master’s Degree in criminal justice with a minor in psychology. Alex has trained hundreds of law enforcement officers in the handling of “Agitated Chaotic Events.” In April of 2016, Alex was an invited speaker at the Crisis Intervention Team International Conference in Chicago, Illinois. Later in 2016, he was awarded the Crisis Intervention Team of New Jersey “Trainer of the Year” award. Alex partnered with the Verbal Judo Institute and developed a program specifically designed to teach students how to use Verbal Judo in contacts with the mentally ill. This class takes the core principles of Verbal Judo and examines how mental illness can present unique challenges, and creates strategies to overcome those obstacles. Alex believes Verbal Judo can immediately improve a person’s personal and professional communication, and can legitimately save lives during a potentially violent encounter.